General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

All contracts with our customers are based on the following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and are therefore an integral part of the contract. Deviating agreements must be in writing and countersigned by both parties to be effective.

1. 101 electronic GmbH’s activities are based on the documents and information provided to us by the client or other authorized persons. All information is based on information and communications from third parties. No liability can be accepted for the completeness, accuracy and up-to-dateness of this information, unless 101 electronic GmbH can be proven to have acted with gross negligence or intent when checking the information.

2. the data and offers transmitted by 101 electronic GmbH are confidential and intended exclusively for the customer. Disclosure to third parties without written permission is prohibited.

If a contract is nevertheless concluded by a third party as a result of the disclosure of information, documents and data, the client undertakes to compensate for the economic loss. Any further claims for damages due to unauthorized disclosure of information remain unaffected by this. A claim to compensation shall remain in force even in the event of subsequent termination of the contract or other resolutory conditions, provided that the reasons are not the responsibility of 101 electronic GmbH.

3. all personal data collected from customers will be treated confidentially. The data required for business development is stored and only passed on to third parties to the extent necessary for execution.

The regulations on data protection (GDPR) can be found on the separate page.

4. 101 electronic GmbH’s registered office is agreed as the place of performance and jurisdiction.

German is agreed as the contractual language.

5. in the event of a dispute, the following arbitration body should be involved (information obligation according to § 36 VSBG) before a legal dispute: A mediator for commercial law.

6 Should one or more of the above provisions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced between the parties by a provision that comes closest to the economic interests of the contracting parties and does not run counter to the contractual agreements.

Right of withdrawal

According to the right of revocation for distance selling contracts, every contract concluded “outside of business premises” is subject to instruction and revocable.
This also includes consulting contracts which are concluded, for example, via the Internet, e-mail, telephone, fax or letter.
This gives the customer the right to revoke his contract with us within fourteen days of conclusion of the contract without giving reasons.
To do this, he must inform the company 101 electronic GmbH by means of a clear declaration of the decision to exercise the right of revocation. This must be done in writing, e.g. by letter, fax or e-mail.

Please send your revocation to the following address:

101 electronic GmbH
Schallbruch 19-21
42781 Haan

Phone 02173 999 5738
Fax 02173 999 5739

Consequences of revocation

If you withdraw from our contract, we will refund all payments we have received from you immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we receive your notification.

We would like to point out that your right of revocation may expire prematurely if, for example, we have already provided our service in full or have only begun to perform the service after your express consent.

Below you will find a sample revocation form. To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for you to send your notification of exercising your right of withdrawal within the time limit.


101 electronic GmbH
Schallbruch 19
42781 Haan

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*):

– Contract number / name:
– Ordered on:
– Customer’s name:
– Customer’s address:
– Date:
– Customer’s signature (only for notification on paper): (*) (Please delete as appropriate)

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