Innovations and sustainability

Ready-to-operate plant for energy recovery from residual materials / waste

  • Sorting and energetic gasification of residual materials
  • Generates 100% green and climate-friendly electricity
  • NO CO2 emissions, as the process takes place in the absence of oxygen
    -> Sale of CO2 certificates as revenue
  • NO consumption of fossil raw materials such as gas, oil, coal, energy crops
  • Very low water consumption as there is no steam tube
  • High efficiency, as no steam turbine and no complex cleaning of exhaust gases
  • Base load power plant with 24/7 operational readiness
  • For full extension typ. Generation of 956,000 kWh of electricity per year
  • Developed in Germany – Protected by patents
  • Worldwide installation

Ready-to-operate plant for the production of hydrogen

  • In combination with our power plant for the gasification of waste,
    Production of green hydrogen
  • Modular and scalable design, technology completely in containers
  • Own water production, operation with any water possible, including seawater
  • Developed in Germany – Protected by patents
  • Worldwide installation

Ready-to-use photovoltaics and PVT

  • Planning and yield calculation
  • Installation and commissioning
  • Monitoring of operation and yield
  • Utilization of industrial halls, open field and agri-PV
  • Can also be set up as a hybrid PVT collector to increase efficiency

Ready-to-use plant for recycling used tires

  • Used tires are raw materials
  • Only part of the energy is recovered during incineration, and the exhaust air has to be cleaned at great expense
  • During thermolysis, oily substances are extracted at great expense and their further use is special
  • We leave the raw material and grind it into very fine and high-purity rubber flours, which can be processed directly into new products by the industry
  • Developed in Germany – protected by patents
  • Worldwide installation

Air purifiers - modeled on nature

  • Nature shows us how – fresh air by the sea and at high altitudes is RICH in negative ions . .. with a demonstrably positive effect on people
  • These ions attach themselves to suspended particles (dust, bacteria, fours, spores, etc.) in the air and bring them to the ground
  • Leads acc. Occupational health and safety report on increased ability to concentrate
  • In addition, we generate active oxygen (in concentrations similar to those found in nature and within the limits set by the Federal Environment Agency) to actively deactivate organisms
  • In contrast to HEPA filters, our principle WORKS IN THE WHOLE ROOM, and does not have to circulate the air through the room several times to achieve a cleaning effect
  • Permanent protection against flu and corona throughout the room,
    Asthmatics breathe noticeably easier thanks to purified air
  • NO contaminated hazardous waste due to contaminated filters
  • Quiet operation, as no large fans are required
  • Low energy consumption thanks to large fans
    Very high efficiency compared to HEPA air purifiers
  • School – Classrooms without forced ventilation – safe teaching
  • Office – fewer absences due to illness
  • Authority – public access without restriction
  • Medical practices – Fresh air without transmission in treatment rooms
  • Industry – Filtering process-related air pollution
  • Various devices in stock … available from office, classroom to lecture hall and factory floor
  • Developed in Germany – Protected by patents
  • Worldwide installation

We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer

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